Will Your Coaching Survive The Dangerous Myth?
Do you feel like a second class citizen as a coach? You are taking self-help actions, right? There are simple actions you can take to help you stay in coaching longer, and have more fun. There’s a...
View ArticleA Beautiful Frame And Coaching Your Team
Part of my job here is to report back on observations from the field. Little things I notice that might have an impact in our world of coaching. I want to share something from my coaching-adventures...
View ArticleHow do I deal with a screaming, disruptive parent?
I still hear the voice of my first screaming parent. Even though she was bellowing to support the team it was grating — like fingernails-down-the-chalkboard. Yelling little tips to me (“Yo, Coach, call...
View ArticleWho’s Your Pluto?
Dealing with groups of humans means you have a Pluto. Big group. Small group. Doesn’t matter. There is a Pluto in there — somewhere. And you need to find him (or her) because it could be the secret to...
View ArticleWill your coaching experience be wonderful or hateful?
There are four kinds of coaching experiences. Unfortunately most of us end up with the bad kind. The four flavors The place we dream of being is that coveted upper-right hand corner. That is where...
View ArticleThe other reality of your coaching experience
I’ve found that most coaches expect an experience at either end of this scale: Those expectations are usually based on strong reasons such as: All my best athletes have...
View ArticleHow To Turn Your Coaching Into An Amazing Experience In 7 Foundational Steps
How’s your coaching? Having an amazing experience? If so, then — bravo. Stop reading and get back to what you were doing. For the rest of us, who at one time or another feel our coaching experience can...
View ArticleThe 3 Critical Hardwires That Impact Your Coaching
Our brains are hardwired. Firmly fixed in the ways we perceive the world. For coaches, you ignore these hardwires at your peril. If you do ignore them, odds are your coaching efforts will fail. We have...
View ArticleHow To Be Successful At Coaching (and just about anything)
Coaches attempt many crazy things: win competitions, develop athletes, raise money, wow the public – to name just a few. Think of all the things YOU try to do. How can you possibly be successful? It...
View ArticleOn Time And Coaching Sports
When expected to arrive, you have three choices. You can be early, or late, or on-time. Simple enough. However, there is a subtlety to being on-time which is critical to coaching. In coach-speak, being...
View ArticleAlone And Coaching Sports
[This is a follow up to my video post of last Friday. The comments stopped me in my tracks! A hat tip to Teresa L. for this bit of clarity.] There is a grand paradox in coaching. Y’see, the nature of...
View ArticleYour Coaching Can
I’ll stick my neck out and guess you haven’t given much thought about what you want your coaching to do. Sure, you know what coaching CAN do. You’re aware coaching can have a powerful impact, can open...
View ArticleSmarter Coaching
I passed her in the hall. She was crying. I asked her what was going on. Was she okay? She responded, “I don’t know what I’m doing. Coaching is pure craziness.” Later, when we talked, she spilled her...
View ArticleSqueeze The Most From Your Coaching Before 2016
The year is closing fast. This might be a good time to knock off that small-annoying task you’ve been hesitating to do. “But I don’t have time now,” you might say, “it will take away from my family,...
View ArticleOvercoming 12 Obstacles Of Improving People
I challenge you to find a bookstore whose shelves aren’t overflowing with books about self-improvement. Missives like How to … be a better person make more money live longer look sexier smell better...
View ArticleThe Power of Your Coaching Beliefs
Every morning, within 5 minutes of waking up, I read my beliefs about coaching. Most times that means even before I get out of bed. I recorded those beliefs years ago. I did so in response to the...
View ArticleHow A Pre-mortem Can Save Your Coaching Bacon
I worry a lot. During season I can’t tell you how many 3:37 am worry sessions I have. Just me and my pillow trying to figure things out. For me, it’s one of the least enjoyable parts of coaching. I’m...
View ArticleJonas The Blizzard And Coach Maneuvers
Standing in 45 mph wind on our main road. Blizzard Ho! Jerry Rice, retired wide receiver of the San Francisco 49ers, is the leading points scorer in the NFL. It may surprise you to know that few NFL...
View ArticleWhat Your Mom Never Told You About Hollow Coaching
Moms are great. Yet … sometimes they don’t tell us everything. For example, I can hear a coach’s mom saying, “Dearie, when you’re a coach you will serve an important role in our society.” Okay, that...
View ArticleCoaching Sports In A Digital World
The guts of a heart rate monitor, a device having a positive digital-impact on my team. I’m noticing a trend with my fellow coaches — a concern about “digital.” I’m hearing coaches express, like in my...
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